The Two Blood Vessel Beds
The Treatment of
Our Changing External
Dr. D. C. Jarvis
IT IS HELPFUL to someone who has arthritis if he has a working knowledge
of the two blood
vessel beds in the body. Knowledge of them came to folk medicine as
Vermont farmers,
slaughtering their animals for market and studying the color of the
meat and the whiteness
of the tallow, came to the conclusion that there was not enough blood
in the animal body to
fill all the blood vessels at the same time.
They taught young Vermonters, therefore, that the human body has three
floors. The ground
floor contains the digestive tract and other abdominal organs. The
second holds the lungs
and heart; while the top floor shelters the brain. and the senses of
smell, sight, and
hearing which keep an individual in touch with his environment.
In these three floors are two beds made up of blood vessels of various
sizes, from the
largest to the smallest. One of these beds is located on the ground
floor, the abdomen,
while the other is on the second and top floors of the body.
The young Vermonter is also taught that there are three trees in the
body. One is the
digestive tree, with its roots in the stomach. The second is the blood
vessel tree, with its
roots in the heart; while the third is the nerve tree, whose roots
are in the brain. In
order to nourish these trees suitably it is necessary that the blood
mass in the body be
able to shift from one blood vessel bed to the other, changing back
and forth according to the
nutritional needs of the three trees, and as the body needs may require,
whether the need is
fight or flight or the normal activity of storing reserves against
the day of need.
The blood vessel bed on the second and top floors supplies such tissues
as heart, lungs,
central nervous system, eyes, ears, the lining of the nose and throat,
and the muscles of
the arms, legs, and body trunk. On the ground floor the bed there supplies
skin, stomach,
intestines, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Muscles, brain, and lungs comprise
what we call the
blood lakes of the second and top floors, while the ground floor lakes
are the skin, liver,
and spleen.
When food is taken and digestion and absorption are necessary the blood
mass in the body
shifts from the second and top floor blood vessel bed to the ground
floor bed. As it leaves
the upper floors the diameter of all the tiny blood vessels, called
capillaries, in the bed
are lessened in size. This means that less blood carrying food material
and oxygen, which
body cells need to carryon their vital activity, reach these cells.
As a result of the lessened blood supply the body cells supplied by
the second and top floor
bed develop a nutritional need which is supplied by shifting the blood
mass from the ground
floor upward, as soon as it is possible to do so. vVhen the mass leaves
the ground floor the
diameter of the capillaries is lessened, and in time the cells in this
bed develop a
nutritional need of their own, which is supplied in turn by a shift
of the blood mass back
to the ground floor.
We have, then, a balance existing between the two beds.
On the flexibility of this balance depends its usefulness. The increase
and decrease in the
size of the capillaries is changing constantly from one bed to another.
Shifting of the blood mass permits the maintenance of a higher level
of body cell activity
in one or the other of the beds, depending on whether body demands
are for muscular work or
for digestive uses. But if the shift of the mass does not take place
readily, in accordance
with body cell needs, the cells in one bed or the other rebel against
the uncongenial
environment which fails to furnish them with nourishment.
The result is that the individual becomes body conscious and recognizes
that a certain part
of the body is not behaving as it normally should. In nervously unstable
people the balance
between the beds is of great importance; they make the shift of the
blood mass frequently
and suddenly.
All our lives we must deal with a rhythm of increase and decrease in
the size of the
capillaries in these two vascular beds. Fundamentally the rhythm depends
on the
environmental factors present. When you shift the human motor into
high gear you shift
your blood mass from the ground floor bed to the second and top floor
bed, in order to
organize for aggressive action. Going into low gear the shift of blood
is from top to
bottom, to organize the body for peace and quiet and the building of
As a result of present-day stress and strain and the processing of many
foods that we eat
there is often an habitual constriction of the capillaries on the ground
floor bed, and an
increase in capillary size on the upper levels. Outward evidence of
the blood mass's
fixation on the second and top floor bed is the presence of a continued
high blood pressure
To break this fixation and restore a working balance between the upper
and lower levels so
that a greater part of the blood mass will shift back and forth as
needed, Vermont folk
medicine first prescribes a high natural carbohydrate food intake-that
is, fruits, berries,
leafy vegetables, root vegetables and a low protein intake represented
by milk, eggs,
cheese, meat, fish, poultry, and seafood.
With this done, four simple remedies are prescribed. They are apple
cider vinegar, honey,
Lugol's Solution of
Iodine, and kelp tablets. In combination they have a long record
success in breaking up the habit of locking the blood mass in the second
and top floor blood
vessel beds.
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